I needed an apron when playing with inks and paints; I figured this out when I found myself wiping my red-ink-stained fingers on my yellow sweatshirt. Nice contrast, yes; no longer a nice sweatshirt. So I pulled out an old denim apron that I used to use in the darkroom, oh, those many years ago. But then came the January/February 2008 issue of ClothPaperScissors magazine with a wonderful article (see page 26) on making an apron from a pair of overalls! So, I went off to a Salvation Army Thrift Shop to find a pair of overalls. I used to have some, once, but gave them away in a fit of cleaning out clothes I wasn't wearing. So now I got a pair of exactly what I gave away (what goes around....).
This is the result. Lots of fun to make, lots of pockets to use. It certainly isn't finished being embellished, but I had to start with some ink on it so that when I actually smeared ink on it, it wouldn't be a surprise :)
The only thing I would do differently, if I were to do this again, is to get a very LARGE pair of overalls. That way the apron would be wider and would cover my sides and hips better than this one does.