
proper clothing for messes

I needed an apron when playing with inks and paints; I figured this out when I found myself wiping my red-ink-stained fingers on my yellow sweatshirt. Nice contrast, yes; no longer a nice sweatshirt. So I pulled out an old denim apron that I used to use in the darkroom, oh, those many years ago. But then came the January/February 2008 issue of ClothPaperScissors magazine with a wonderful article (see page 26) on making an apron from a pair of overalls! So, I went off to a Salvation Army Thrift Shop to find a pair of overalls. I used to have some, once, but gave them away in a fit of cleaning out clothes I wasn't wearing. So now I got a pair of exactly what I gave away (what goes around....).

This is the result. Lots of fun to make, lots of pockets to use. It certainly isn't finished being embellished, but I had to start with some ink on it so that when I actually smeared ink on it, it wouldn't be a surprise :)

The only thing I would do differently, if I were to do this again, is to get a very LARGE pair of overalls. That way the apron would be wider and would cover my sides and hips better than this one does.


Anonymous said...

Phffff...isn't that just the truth?! You clean something out, not having used it in forever, and then poof...up pops a need you wouldn't have imagined. This looks so cool! How did you make the strings to tie?

ren said...

thanks for the comment; you are always so good at keeping in touch!

I took long 3-inch wide strips from the legs, folded one long side down a half inch, then folded THAT another half inch and ironed it; folded the other side up an inch; then sewed the half-inch side down on top of the other side (the half-inch side becomes hemmed...sort of like making bias tape, just not cut on the bias). whew. I'm better at showing than telling things like this.

all best,