

Ah, another Illustration Friday theme; this one is Save. What do we save? Memories. Money. Ourselves. What does it mean to save, anyway? So close to Safe, so far from reality.

10 inches high x 8 inches wide


Anonymous said...

Great collage Ren! Is that real money by the way? Love the use of the arch in tying the elements together, it gives such a feeling of depth.

Teresa said...

It is a really nice collage. The layout and coloring really works well.

ren said...

Yes, the real dollar bill. gotta put the money where the mouth is, as they say.......

rebecca christiansen said...

Is it okay if I just hang out here and get lost in this collage? These images have me pulled in and I'm finding meaning in this thing. So cool...


Isabel said...

Great details! So well thought out.

Anonymous said...

You know I came back and looked at this a second time and it hit me that it's about what we're NOT saving too...the planet.