
the garden of eden

In the spirit of Spring and Daylight Savings Time and all those dreams of flowers blooming in the front yards, Illustrations Friday's theme this week is Garden. And, instead of picturing all those daffodils and crocuses and irises that are going to rise up out of the eight inches of snow and ice that had fallen on my backyard flower beds in the past 48 hours, I thought of that pie-in-the-sky place called Eden, the Garden of our Origins, the Paradise to which we aspire. And this is what I saw.
10 inches high x 8 inches wide


Vhrsti said...

Strong idea - great work! Very well!

Anonymous said...

Girllllllllllll...you're good. Really. That's a deep collage. I enlarged it to have a really good look. You have such a knack for choosing elements. The gas tank, "strangled" by the lizard (or snake, like gas is strangling us all), the medicine bottle, the upside down city scene, a carrot seed packet stuck down in the corner (like we take the earth forgranted, push it aside). The squirrel nibbling away (is that what we humans are doing? nibbling away at the environment), and the cars, in route to pollute. Powerful stuff here Ren, very well done. Hey tell me please, what supports do you use (paper, canvas, board?)? And what glue?

Willie Baronet said...

Great take on Eden! You should preserve your brain for science. :-)

Isabel said...

Your comments and collage are great!

Enjoyed it!