
frog prince

"Tales and Legends" was the theme on Illustration Friday this week. I thought, "WHAT?!?! All tales and legends?!? The IDEA of tales and legends? Wow! Just what IS that?" But at the same time that I was thinking those things, the story of the Frog Prince popped into my head. There are many versions of it, and the translation that I liked the best, one that includes annotations, is this one. So, this week, my Frog Prince stands for all stories ever told.


studio lolo said...

wonderful collage. The frog is perfect! You can't beat the Brothers Grimm for their fairy tales. I don't recall the part about the parking meter though! :)

ren said...

thanks! It's really one of those telescopes that you put a quarter in to see something in the distance....but, yeah; the Brothers Grimm didn't have one of them either LOL

Heather Freeman Radel said...

i love how your surreal style lends itself perfectly to the topic of tales and legends...

Gotlib Art said...

This is my first time to see your work. I really like it.

claudine hellmuth said...

perfect for the theme!!!

Anonymous said...

Great job, so well done!